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Writer's pictureSean L. Ennis

Revelations on Accusations

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." -Rev 12:10 KJV

Every day Christians and specifically Christian Youth are targeted by wrathful accusers. These may appear in the form of many things but mainly are demonic voices and spirits purposefully attacking the mind . Their agenda is to diminish and eventually destroy our confidence in God. Life itself starts to look hopeless, the confidence, positive energy and outlook you once had turn to pessimistic hopeless thinking which offer strong support to depression and mental fatigue.

  • You are not good enough!

  • QUIT!

  • Give Up!

  • Stop wasting your time!

  • God is not coming through for you!

These thoughts of hopelessness and defeat are fed into our minds daily with an intent to corner us and push us into submission. These divisive plans of Satan are to separate us and isolate us from the truth and what we really should be focusing on. Each day a new bout of emotional fatigue arises, even when we don't entertain it, we are plagued by negative thoughts and spirits clothed in full agenda to destroy what God has planted in us.

Justification VS Accusation

"Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus..." -Rom 3:24 KJV

God declares we are justified, the accusing spirits say we are not. For the past 2 weeks I have dreamt about varying scenarios and occasions where the accusing and chastising spirits were on full display. These dreams depicted ministry activities, life goals, daily living and doing things for the greater good of humanity being opposed and most of all Christian Youth being furiously targeted . A powerful and very relevant depiction of our current reality were what those dreams represented. In these dreams, I saw young people going about their merry , peaceful ways having no negative thoughts and giving no access to negativity but being constantly plagued by it.

Each day were are constantly reminded of our flaws, weaknesses, sins, short comings, failures, pasts and mistakes. In reality a lot of what we are reminded of are not false accusations, many are raw truths but are used to destroy instead of building us.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy..." - John 10:10 KJV
  • Dormant Prayer Life

  • Lack of Bible Study

  • Idolatry

  • Lack of Faith in God

  • Living a Lie

  • Inconsistency

  • Pornography

  • Masturbation

Are some of the things that are constantly frustrating, depressing and causing young Christians to be caught in a quagmire of hopelessness and disbelief in God's grace and delivering power. Exactly what our weaknesses are, will be the same tools the accusers use against us, nothing fictitious or irrelevant but, exactly what will throw us off course and into disarray.

This is the continuous campaign of the enemy, to kill, steal and destroy whatever the Kingdom of God has to offer(righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost) and everything else God has planted in us from before conception.

With all the aforementioned inefficiencies and frustrations flooding our minds daily, we lose sight of God's unchanging hand that is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless with exceeding joy (Jude 1:24).

The Destruction Agenda

  • Gifts

  • Talents

  • Businesses

  • Ideas

  • Dreams

  • Goals

  • Aspirations

  • Ministries

  • Confidence

  • Faith

  • Security

  • Prayer Life

  • Devotional Life

  • Mental Stability

  • Emotional Stability

The tools God has placed in us to impact, inspire and empower others are the objects of assassination for the kingdom of darkness and everything necessary that can be used to stop them from flourishing or living will be used!

2 Corinthian verse 11 reminds us not to be ignorant of the devices or designs of the devil and it couldn't be more relevant in these turbulent spiritual climates.

This blog(message) is a pronounced reminder that the blood of Jesus Christ is still efficacious and you don't have to stay wallowing in defeat or the destructive thoughts of the enemy. You are more than your weaknesses and in fact they will be integral in your growth, testimony and relationship with God. Nothing you face is by mistake and every hurdle has a lesson, not only for you but everyone you will need to deposit encouragement and positive reinforcement in.

What you will also need to know is that you are only being targeted because of your attractive, highly needed and valuable PURPOSE. The photo above is a reminder of a shifting perspective: from darkness to light, night to day, negativity to positivity, hopelessness to hopefulness and ignorance to knowledge. Shift your perspective! There is MUCH value in YOU and your pain, trial and "crosses" are strength enablers and most of all reminders of the power you possess and how attractive it is to the kingdom of darkness.

Take this moment to remind yourself of who you are and who God says you are. You are purpose-FULL!

Written by: Sean L. Ennis


Song of the Moment:

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