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Writer's pictureSean L. Ennis


Let's talk about LOVE.....

Love is relative, it all depends on what and whom you value. I have experienced love from parents, family members, friends and "loved" ones but it took me a while to encounter true love.

True Love

Some say this love is reckless, some say it's unconditional, some say it's greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell. For me, this love is incomprehensible. I speak of a love that has no bounds, no prejudice or bias, one that fights, one that defends, one that shields. A famous hymn says "it's measureless and it's strong".

I speak of the Love of God.

Agape Love

Agape is defined as a general empathy or lovingkindness for all people.

This type of love to Christians or Non-Believers is something that is hard to comprehend, because it has never been offered by any human being. In fact it will never be replicated by any human, this love is unfathomable to the human mind. To some extent it may seem unreal or mystical due to it's unprejudiced nature and agenda.

Characteristics of this Love:

  • This Love tells a convicted sinner who is guilty of the crimes of sin that their charges are dropped.

  • This Love tells the messed up teen that they are forgiven for cutting themselves, for attempting suicide, for living vicariously and promiscuously.

  • This Love has opened arms to any person in the LGBTQ community and tells them that they are not exempt from it's jurisdiction.

  • This Love tells the convicted murderer though they are guilty legally there is still grace for them spiritually and there is still forgiveness available to them.

  • This Love tells the teenage mother that she isn't a failure but there is still purpose in her in spite of her predicament.

  • This Love tells the unorthodox, the non-religious, the agnostic or the idolatrous that they are still counted. That they are still in it's reach and still can access it's gracious offerings.

  • This love tells the rational thinking, scientific and non-believing atheist that it still has room in it's "arc of safety" for them.

  • This love speaks to the abused, the molested, raped, abandoned, mistreated, isolated, rejected, outcast, alienated and forgotten that it has an abundant offering of comfort, care, restoration and strength all packaged to soothe, heal and mend the deep wounds of their soul.


Insurmountable is defined as something too great to be overcome.This entire blog was inspired by one scripture, Psalm 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us"

This scripture represents the way how God is a Shepherd and Father to all of us, He chooses to care, He chooses to love and chooses to forgive. Nothing that we do can undo His love for us. Nothing we say will cause Him turn His back on us. There was a time when I lost faith in Him, I was living rebelliously and "started to stop" believing in Him. Yet, he still showed love, in fact He drew Himself closer and concentrated on me, when I was ignoring Him. His Love is truly insurmountable.


Today as you read, I want you to take a deep breath, then I want you reflect on some things that have been on your mind that you are yet to forgive yourself of.

Think about stuff that you have been condemning yourself about. Then I want you to give it all over to God.

As an overcomer of severe depression, overthinking and severe self condemnation I can confidently say - He is willing and open to receive those faults, failures, sins, shortcomings and mistakes and heal, help and restore you. His Love is accessible to everyone.

Today let His love in, open the doors of your heart and life and let it be the soothing ointment to your wounds and the antidote to your pain infected soul.

So my last question is, ARE YOU IN LOVE? Enlighten your life today with a beam of love from Jesus Christ, His love is accessible.

Dwell IN His love for you today.

Written By: Sean L. Ennis

Song for the Moment:

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Apr 12, 2020

This was the complete meal. Transparency unmatched and necessary. Keep going!

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